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2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-05-10 [pelv13]: amusing indeed... *chuckle*

2005-05-10 [Lost in Illusions]: I'll admit I do the interesting black spirals and all that when I want to be "glam" but I dont go to work like that.... ew. Actually, I rarely wear any makeup anywhere... of course, it's taboo for boys to wear makeup, so why should I?

2005-05-10 [Rambert]: Yeah, but guys can still be sexy with a bit of eyeliner... lookit Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow! lol *drool* ... As for me, I don't have time or energy most mornings to even bother with the stuff.

2005-05-10 [Lost in Illusions]: when I put it on, it's when Ive already been up for hours, and I just want to look nice... it's hardly a "morning" thing for me.

2005-05-10 [2 hot 4 u]: hey i wanna goin

2005-05-11 [Grey Eyes]: ...Were you just publicly stating that you'd enjoy having a groin...or that you wish to join o-o

2005-05-11 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: for gothic vampress..first vampress a word?? I looked it up on and got a whole list of words but not vampress. Second off I think she gives away when by her first line. That's what blew it for me: "I am a gothic skater girl "

2005-05-11 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: It makes me imagine Greg the Grim Reaper from Conkers Bad Fur Day (video game for n64) riding around on a skate board, getting his cape caught in the wheels and using his sickle to scoot along...

2005-05-11 [Rambert]: *cracks up*

2005-05-11 [AbLam]: when I wear eyeliner I look like a crack it's not really my thing. Hehe.

2005-05-11 [Rambert]: My mom tells me I look like Cleopatra when I wear it. Then again, my mom's gonna be 54 in June...

2005-05-12 [Lost in Illusions]: [Go RyAn U RuLe!] sad when people actually believe that one sect of the human race can actually conquer everyone else. That's why I choose to remain neutral in almost everything. I was forced to be caucasian, since that's the race I was born, as well as human, though I reject it with every fiber of my being, but at the same time... I just dont like being here, where there is constant competition and adamant bickering over who has the most power. *blah blah blah; rants for about another hour* anyway... that's another lovely.

2005-05-12 [Rambert]: Wait....... no one said that one sect of the human race would/could conquer all others.

2005-05-12 [Lost in Illusions]: ~points to the screen name in the above comment~

2005-05-12 [Rambert]: oh. ^^; heh heh.... I knew that....

2005-05-14 [girl. interrupted.]: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2005-05-14 [*Punk_Anjel*]: SWeEtNeSs...*kills her flame on her desk*weee-yah!

2005-05-14 [AbLam]: But I want the flying cookies! *the men in white coats take her away* NO NOOOO! The peanuts...

2005-05-14 [girl. interrupted.]: well, i dunno, i think the human race probably will, because we are alot smarter than other animals...i mean how else could we singehandedly destroy our world? so yeah, we'll probably stamp out all other species then realize our mistake. but by then the ozone will be gone and we'll be fried alive from the sun, so pretty much we are all doomed...

2005-05-14 [Lost in Illusions]: there really was no question at the end of my comment. Of course humans rule the earth. The insolence of this race is that they can not appreciate what already is, but corrupt it by using every resource it can find because it gets... "bored." Pathetic. If any question was posed, it was whether a certain portion of the human race (i.e. goths) could conquer everyone..

2005-05-14 [Keii]: I'm going to conquer you all - with my team of swedish speaking moneys ^-^

2005-05-14 [Goldice]: the ones that speak german are more ruthless

2005-05-14 [Keii]: It's time for a change... swedish is the new german

2005-05-15 [AbLam]: Anyways new subject. Banana peels are dangerous. They should put a bylaw on them.

2005-05-15 [girl. interrupted.]: but italian is the new swedish...just like mustard yellow is the new black! no kidding, anyone who thinks that is on drugs. Yeah, [Lost in Illusions], i was more thinking out loud than anything.

2005-05-15 [AbLam]: I'm telling you, they're killing people everywhere! Something must be done!

2005-05-16 [Lost in Illusions]: it's dead on ET... let's incite a riot!

2005-05-16 [Rambert]: Yaaay for random acts of violence!!!


2005-05-17 [spongemonkey]: kickles!!!!!!!!!!

2005-05-17 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: what what??? Did I hear violence calling my name *breaks out the beloved firecrackers*

2005-05-17 [Rambert]: I got some firecrackers in Wisconsin for the fourth of July already.... *cackles evilly*

2005-05-17 [girl. interrupted.]: No fair! We have like no firecrackers around here

2005-05-18 [SlumDumb89]: i know thier illegal here *crys* i love exploding them

2005-05-18 [girl. interrupted.]: Same here! They're fun!!

2005-05-19 [AbLam]: Yeah welll you know yeah yeah... I' am on drugs

2005-05-20 [girl. interrupted.]: AHA! drugs! they just changed the colours I DONT LIKE IT MAKE IT STOP!

2005-05-21 [Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..]: You all suck.. ^_^ Fake Goths..Yeah. *Cough* No such thing, Losers.

2005-05-21 [girl. interrupted.]: Hey...I'm not even part of this wiki. I came into this whole discussion thing defending someone who got deleted for being a 'Fake Goth'. Luckily, we got over that little argument and are now talking, like regular people. So please, go take your argument somewhere else. We've all had enough of that for a lifetime.

2005-05-22 [Rambert]: I'm just anti-goth in the first place. I don't care if y'all are "fake" or not... lol but as Smokey said, I like talking like regular people.

2005-05-23 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: norwegian is the new swedish, oh wait german is the new norwegian and we're back where it started

2005-05-23 [Goldice]: so german in fact, is the new swedish

2005-05-23 [AbLam]: Well, anyways back to the subject of shrimp.

2005-05-25 [girl. interrupted.]: and french is the new swedish because i can actually speak french. mmm...j'aime beaucoup le shrimp.

2005-05-25 [AbLam]: Yeah, wow this Wiki is dead. We need to talk about something different. How about...the war on terrorism!

2005-05-25 [Lost in Illusions]: it's pathetic. End.

2005-05-25 [Rambert]: Yep. Now... on to something completely different! Ducks! What's up with them??

2005-05-25 [Grey Eyes]: many of you knew that blonde hair originated in Switzerland? =3 ...yeah. I think it totally sucks that all the guys are practically forced to sign up for war no matter what because of those stupid draft cards =/

2005-05-26 [Rambert]: My military history teacher predicts that we'll go into Iran next... although we'll be horribly unprepared for it.

2005-05-26 [Grey Eyes]: The whole draft thing kinda freaks me out...if there's a draft I'm gonna have to go get pregnant so Michael won't have to go =/

2005-05-26 [Rambert]: o.o  whatever works, I guess... Although, you do realize that if they have to draft a lot of guys, they'll expand the range for new recruits, which means that being a new father probably wouldn't help.

2005-05-26 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah I know. But they usually let guys with pregnant girlfriends/wives who need support free for about a year =/ I'm just glad they didn't expand the draft to include women yet.

2005-05-26 [Rambert]: Yeah, but with my luck, the minute I turn eighteen they will. XP

2005-05-26 [Grey Eyes]: You have a point there XD Bleh...but see, if girls are pregnant, they can't be drafted >D

2005-05-26 [Rambert]: Yeah, they're not THAT heartless! XD

2005-05-26 [Goldice]: it wouldnt surprise me though

2005-05-29 [spongemonkey]: wow, this is really confuzzling. -^^-

2005-05-29 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: not much going on in here lately

2005-05-29 [spongemonkey]: mow.

2005-05-29 [cuntstitches]: There is actually a bill in the legislature that proposes another draft. It's different from the old draft, too. Women will be recruited, they'll expand the age limit, and going to college is no longer an escape from the draft. Thank god it's a dead bill, but I heard that Bush supports it. Also, I heard we would probably knock out Iran next as well.

2005-05-29 [Rambert]: Yep, my military history teacher predicts that, because they're building up on nuclear technology too. But if we do go into Iran, we'll get our asses handed to us because we're unprepared for that. It'll be the "Great Satan" all over again.

2005-05-29 [AbLam]: Do you mean they will be sending people who are younger than the age limit or people who are older than the age limit for this bill?

2005-05-29 [Rambert]: I'm guessing they'd go both ways, wouldn't they?

2005-05-30 [cuntstitches]: Older, I believe. 18 to some age. I can't even remember the site name that houses all the proposed bills. I think it's number 187 in the database. Don't quote me on that.

2005-05-30 [girl. interrupted.]: Considering how many nuclear weapons the USA has, it could easily eliminate Iran, and then poison the air for the rest of the planet, cause a nuclear winter, and plunge the world into a hellish realm of chaos and sounds like fun, gee, I'm sure glad Kerry didn't win the damn election!

2005-05-30 [AbLam]: that was sarcasm, right?

2005-05-30 [Rambert]: Wait, so are you supporting Kerry, Smokey? ....... and we're not going to bomb the crap out of Iran. For all we know, they could be using nuclear power to conserve their oil reserves. We don't have any proof that they're making weapons.

2005-05-30 [spongemonkey]: I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm, if not, my snake cocucld always use some freash meat...

2005-05-31 [Rambert]: lol what kind of snake?

2005-05-31 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: kerry sux, bush sux, we'd be better off having hitler as a leader...too bad he died...

2005-06-01 [Spanakopida]: No. Don't even say that. At least bush isn't torturing and slaughtering millions of innocent people just because they are different than him.

2005-06-01 [cuntstitches]: ..Or is he?

2005-06-01 [Rambert]: Ok, guys, don't compare ANY person to Hitler, unless it's Stalin. Because that is the ONLY person that is comparable to him. Otherwise, you're just making sweeping generalizations or jokes that aren't funny. And Hitler was responsible for eleven MILLION deaths, six million of whom were Jews. Stalin was responsible for the deaths of almost 30 million people. I agree that Bush and Kerry are both rather incompetent, but don't go comparing them to crazy heartless dictators, alright?

2005-06-01 [I H8 EVERY1]: this wiki is GAY!

2005-06-01 [Panda-monium]: *sighs*

2005-06-01 [Lost in Illusions]: *blinks* wow.. such a lovely adjective.. personally, I dont get it. what exactly is 'gay' other than "happy" or an alternative to the word "homosexual." Not to mention, as an insult it really holds no merit. It simply is a word, and to try and create it as a negative on something so trivial is really quite... well, and I use the term as loosely as you, [I H8 EVERY1], put it, gay.

2005-06-01 [cuntstitches]: [I H8 EVERY1] is responsible for deleting our member's page and spamming the banner page as well.

2005-06-01 [Goldice]: its ridiculous

2005-06-01 [Falx]: Aw, man... [Lost in Illusions], you beat me to a point I was going to make.

2005-06-01 [pelv13]: politics... lets get back to the politics... anyone here know about the bill they are trying to pass for a national ID? it wasn't so many years ago that the supreme court called such a bill unconstitutional... it is allready at the point where you need an id for travel... tell me how this state of affairs is better than Germany under Hitler's rule? the "hedge" between church and state is thining, and we are invading other countries... (excuse my spelling, it is early for me)

2005-06-01 [Falx]: Speaking of National ID, has anyone ever heard of a product they were trying to release a few years back called Digital Angel? My roomate who was a comp sci major had did a report on it. It's totally freaky. Basic idea is that it's a computer chip that is placed under the skin of your hand that carries all your personal info... alerts the ambulance if you have a heart attack, lets the police find missing persons, etc... it was really creepy... like that book... I think it was called 1984?

2005-06-01 [cuntstitches]: I heard about that chip. What is weirder is that people actually volunteered to have it tested on them.

2005-06-02 [Spanakopida]: I think it's helpful. 1984 is where people were monitored by telescreeens and they weren't allowed to think.

2005-06-02 [Rambert]: Yep, I just read that book for school.... verrry creepy at the end.

2005-06-02 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: umm bush is killing many innocent people already, hitler didnt get to start in the big numbers so give old W time to catch up....then tell me it isnt a fair comparison..oh and the state of affairs is different here under bush than germany under hitler..germanys economy improved under hitler..the US economy is getting worse under bush

2005-06-02 [Goldice]: that book, wasn't it like big brother on a major scale or something

2005-06-02 [Falx]: Yeah, it was. And the comparison to the book was more that both it and the whole Digital Angel thing creeped me out on the same level and for the same reasons.

2005-06-02 [Rambert]: ok, bloodsex, we know you don't like bush. But if you're going to bash him, stop with the sweeping generalities and start giving some actual stats. Then, maybe, I'll believe you. But it's not likely.

2005-06-02 [AbLam]: It's funny. In the 1930s everyone was convincedthat we were going to be drving flying cars and conduct business with aliens by the time 2000 rolled around. (This has nothing to do with the subject at hand but I was thinking about the book 1984 which is about the 'future'.) Hey, has anyone read Barcode Tattoo? I've heard it's good.

2005-06-03 [Rambert]: Yeah, I agree. The thing is, though, Orwell died in 1950, just two years after he wrote 1984. So he had no idea that his view of the world was a bit... off... XD

2005-06-03 [AbLam]: By the way why does bloodsex have to prove she/he hates bush?

2005-06-03 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: i dont see why someone has to assume i want to convince them to agree with me..umm...i shared my oppinion...i didnt try to get you to join my cult..

2005-06-03 [pelv13]: bloodsex does have a point... in my eyes it isn't about bush however... it is the government as a whole... i am not an anarchist, but i do believe it is time to either restructure the government or shakeup who we have in office...

2005-06-03 [Rambert]: Well the government has always been a problem, even in its best years. But, bloodsex, I was simply saying that if you're going to say something, you may as well get your facts straight, is all. I hate it when people act like they know what they're talking about when they really have no idea.

2005-06-03 [AbLam]: do you have any idea?

2005-06-03 [Spanakopida]: Everytime I read "bloodsex" I read it as "buttsex" XD

2005-06-03 [Rambert]: o.o Spanakopida.... And KillingMeSoftly, I am not making statements such as comparing Bush to Hitler. I am not saying anything of that nature, and the stuff I'm talking about I do know about. So, in answer to your question, yes.

2005-06-03 [AbLam]: Okey dokey^_^.

2005-06-03 [Keii]: With all due respect [Rambert], if bloodsex wants to compare Hitler and Bush, then he is entitled to do so. It may not be correct, but he is entitled to his own opinions.

2005-06-03 [Rambert]: Yes, but people don't have the right to be STUPID. XD

2005-06-03 [Keii]: XD Haha, well thats your opinion and your entitled to it ^^

2005-06-03 [Rambert]: I have a keychain that says, "Everyone's entitled to be stupid but you're abusing the priviledge."

2005-06-03 [girl. interrupted.]: I know I haven't been here for a while, but yes the Kerry thing was sarcasm. Still, better him than the red-necked, super religious Bush. And to [I H8 EVERY1], learn to spell before you go start bashing someone's wikki. Alright, maybe it's low to be bashing someone's spelling, but H8...i mean...come on, Sk8er boi was bad enough!! O-O

2005-06-03 [Rambert]: Amen to that. I like Avril, but that song title... ergh.

2005-06-04 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: i know my facts pretty well, and i'm an oppinionated girl,and from the sound of things, you people knew the facts, ergo, the discussion, so why reitterate what you know?

2005-06-04 [Rambert]: Well maybe I've been living under a rock for the past five years, but it NEVER occured to me that Bush was like Hitler. So you do need to reiterate, because when you say something out on a limb like that you can't assume that people will always be able to follow you.

2005-06-05 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: if you have been living under a rock, i think you should go back, instead of being a bitch to me in the real world!

2005-06-05 [Grey Eyes]: soooo....The Dragon Project *looks around and runs*

2005-06-05 [~Psychosis~]: hey LOTRfreak, i was reading your comments, are you saying bloodsex is stupid for not providing official numbers or what? Maybe, I find it stupid that you have to attack other peoples oppinions to validate yourself. If you want to live in a one oppinion zone, then why are you anti-hitler? Not close enough to communism to satisfy you? I think you need to put up or shut up...

2005-06-05 [Rambert]: What exactly do you mean by "Not close enough to communism to satisfy you"?

2005-06-05 [Rambert]: And, to clarify, I'm saying that people should back up their own opinions instead of just throwing them out there randomly. Then, maybe people will agree with them. If bloodsex had stated some facts of how Bush was causing the deaths of millions of innocent people just for the hell of it, then I'd be inclined to agree with her statement that Bush is like Hitler. But she didn't, so it seemed like just a stupid accusation rather than an educated opinion.

2005-06-06 [pelv13]: there is a line between discusion and argument

2005-06-06 [AbLam]: I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you I throw up. Heh. Sorry. I couldn't resist.

2005-06-07 [Rambert]: Was that directed at me?

2005-06-07 [AbLam]: Nope. Hee Hee. That was at [~Psychosis~] But it was a joke. A bad one, yes. But a joke just the same.

2005-06-07 [Rambert]: Ok. Yes, it was amusing... to a point... XD

2005-06-07 [Grey Eyes]: This disucussion has lasted about three days, I think we should change it. It impossible to change ones viewpoint, especially when you

2005-06-07 [Grey Eyes]: 're treating them as though they're just doesn't work (sorry, the comp entered before I was don)

2005-06-07 [Rambert]: Well come up with one then! No one's stopping you...

2005-06-07 [Grey Eyes]: Did you know jellyfish can be taught coreography?

2005-06-07 [Rambert]: No way! Do explain... this is cool.

2005-06-07 [Rambert]: Sounds like something from the Discovery Channel or something... lol

2005-06-07 [Grey Eyes]: Well when I was in California I went to the Monterey Bay aquarium and they have this huge jellyfish exhibit. They had this thing where there was a girl doing a dance, and on the screen next to it the jelly fish was doing the same thing. There was this big article on it...but I didn't read it since I had no time x.x

2005-06-07 [Rambert]: So jellyfish can mimic movements? That's awesome.

2005-06-07 [Grey Eyes]: I'm guessing they can. ...they also have their sexual organs in their head...o-o

2005-06-07 [Rambert]: o.o wow. never knew that...

2005-06-07 [Grey Eyes]: That'd be really akward if everyones sexual organs were in their heads x.X

2005-06-07 [Rambert]: People could have eyebrow sex.... XD XD XD

2005-06-07 [Grey Eyes]: Oh my god...That reminds me of this weird thing my friends and I used to do...we'd always bump our shoulders against eachother and exclaim "Shoulder-sex!" each time x.x ....I'd imagine that eyebrow sex would be rather...akward...o-o what kind of an orgasm would that be? XD

2005-06-07 [AbLam]: What's up with the XD, O.o, O.O, X.x, and etc. I don;t get it! :(

2005-06-07 [Grey Eyes]: Hello! =D I'm a smiley freak, who are you?

2005-06-07 [cuntstitches]: ... I don't have eyebrows, though.

2005-06-07 [Panda-monium]: o.O

2005-06-08 [AbLam]: Those are smileys? .... I thought they were things like... :D :S (P) (O) (I)... etc. DO you guys use MSN?

2005-06-08 [Grey Eyes]: I wish I used MSN....but my computer like to be a smart-ass ^^

2005-06-08 [AbLam]: Yeah mine is too. So what chat thingy do you use?

2005-06-08 [Grey Eyes]: I use Elftown XD The process is rather tiresome after a while x.x

2005-06-08 [Little Black RainCloud]: [goth222] Heres another one for you...

2005-06-08 [Lost in Illusions]: well, at least she has something other than '666' in front of her name... maybe the '222' is supposed to mean she's only 1/3 as evil as the supposed beast? Hehe, and also, she only has a few sentences on her house, as idiotic as it may be. Well, maybe there will be a downside to the take Elftown back movement; when all the idiots are gone, who do we make fun of?

2005-06-08 [Little Black RainCloud]: Hell...we can always make fun of ourselves.

2005-06-08 [Little Black RainCloud]: Lol! I love how she changed the things for the photo's, the other day I was at her house and it said 'This is me I know I'm ugly' and the second picture said 'This is my sister much hotter'

2005-06-08 [Lost in Illusions]: o.o same person, different captions? Lords, I will be glad when this elftown takeback movement is over, then we wont have to deal with the idiocy.. though I do have to admit that it is fun to do so when they are around.

2005-06-08 [Little Black RainCloud]: It is somewhat fun to destroy what they believe in... or pretend to believe in...but ultimately what does it bring?

2005-06-08 [Lost in Illusions]: instant gratification for the destroyers? Isnt that all anyone wants in life anyway?

2005-06-08 [Jenny Crank]: hey [AbLam] how are you saying [~Psychosis~] makes you throw up, she is gorgeous...where's your pic?

2005-06-08 [Keii]: There are so many new people on here nowadays... I can't keep up >.<

2005-06-08 [cuntstitches]: [moonshade45] - Does anyone understand this person at all?

2005-06-08 [Lost in Illusions]: sure.. she is the typical pseudo-goth who has nothing on her house but random lists and a comment that pretty much says "Im evil, fear me.. Im god, but since goth is a religion, Im not religious."

2005-06-09 [Little Black RainCloud]: I asked her what goth was...she said it was a relgion about the dark side and stuff.

2005-06-09 [Little Black RainCloud]: Not really stitches...she seems young though.

2005-06-09 [Lost in Illusions]: seems a bit funny, since the construance of the gothic society in today's world is nothing but wearing black and being evil, and she says, "if goth was an image instead of a religion i guess you could call me that ..." yet, when asked what type of religion 'goth' supposedly is, she says it's "dark." That is where it gets confusing because how can she be something that is considered an evil image, but if she believes it is an evil religion, she denies it? Heh.. I dont know and frankly, dont really give a damn.

2005-06-09 [Little Black RainCloud]: We should eat her.

2005-06-09 [Goldice]: she probably wouldn't taste that nice

2005-06-10 [girl. interrupted.]: wow [moonshade45] sounds like a pretentious person...check out [Jinkx313]...she goes to my school and she is POSER if i ever met one...

2005-06-10 [girl. interrupted.]: Also, I am fairly sure the whole 'I don't shut up, I grow up...etc' thing from [AbLam] was a fact she states exactly that on the previous page...

2005-06-10 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Haha..someone has absolutely no life *points to Jinkx's jedi costume* ...hahahaha

2005-06-10 [Lost in Illusions]: First, the correct spelling is "poseur" Yes, I know it's a bit of a hassle for one more letter, but Im anal about that sort of thing. With that being said, what on this girl's page says that she is a poseur? I dont really see anything that shouts "Im fake" at me, aside from the fact that she is slightly strange; but then again, she is only 13, and what 13 year-old child is not strange in his or her own way? I still am strange and Im about to turn 20. With that being said, the only thing I can see on her page is that she likes to put her mood in her name, which somewhat annoys me. Who wants to click on a name with a long, drawn-out mood inside of the name? But, other than that>>

2005-06-10 [Lost in Illusions]: she seems like a typical thirteen year-old kid looking for an identity and just hasnt found one, yet.

2005-06-10 [AbLam]: Nope, I wasn't sreious about that comment, [Jenny Crank]...i am just a loser and couldn't resist a lame joke:).

2005-06-10 [AbLam]: Actually, Jinkx looks like the type of person who is trying way too hard to be goth. I mean, come on. "Why smile when you can draw it on?" and did you see the 'It Killz" drawing...geez.

2005-06-11 [Rambert]: Uhm... since when did this wiki become a "Let's make fun of people we find to be stupid" wiki?? Honestly, there are better things to talk about.

2005-06-11 [Lost in Illusions]: it's always been like that.. *shrugs*

2005-06-11 [cuntstitches]: Jinkx is that bad, though the eye make-up is atrocious, but some of her friends look like real pieces of work.

2005-06-11 [Lost in Illusions]: eh, the friends may be poseurs, but she just seems like a girl lost between identities to me.

2005-06-12 [AbLam]: LOTR, the wiki is meant to make fun of fake goths who we find to be stupid. That was the point.

2005-06-12 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah...didn't you get the memo? o-o or at least have been following all of the other conversations that have ever happened here? If we just talked about whatever all the time, this would be another one of those wiki's that completelt loses track of its purpose.

2005-06-12 [Grey Eyes]: **completely

2005-06-12 [girl. interrupted.]: Exactly...and you have done your fair share of ridiculing too, LOTR.

2005-06-12 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah....o-o you have...stop trying to be Captain doesn't work for you.

2005-06-12 [Rambert]: :P Whatever. This wiki is sure to be removed as a result of the take elftown back movement, so I don't really care. Y'all need to get a life.

2005-06-12 [Grey Eyes]: Wow, you're rather hypcritical. Did you not notice that that whole movement is no different than what we do here? Plus, since there aren't really any wiki-rules, we aren't violating anything ^^

2005-06-12 [Rambert]: I didn't say you were violating any rules at all: You can say whatever you like here as long as the guards don't find it offensive. And how is the take elftown back movement similar to this? All you do is criticize people who are "fake goths", which has next to nill in common with the original values of ET, which include people coming together to express themselves through art, writing, poetry, RPing, or whatever. Ad Hominem arguments don't seem to fit that list, unless you people cannot find a better way of "expressing" yourselves...

2005-06-12 [Grey Eyes]: I have a headache and I'm not in the mood of eplaining all the theology behind I'll make this as brief as guys are cutting out people and saying "No! We don't like you!" which is pretty much what we're doing...

2005-06-12 [Rambert]: Take Tylenol, then explain yourself better. Because if you think we are simply saying "No! We don't like you!", you obviously have not read up on what that wiki is all about. It's not a case of whether we like someone or not, it's whether or not they are following the unspoken rules of what this community was supposed to be. Liking isn't an issue here...

2005-06-12 [Grey Eyes]: You are aware I'm a part of that movement too don't you? I'm not totally ignorant, I became part of it when there was still only five people on the members list, I just never added my name. So I'm stopping this discussion. But that was kind of a hidden threat you threw out...not to mention rather hypocritical. But then again, everyone's a hypocrit. So...I'm done discussing this. Anyway, I honor your opinion ^^

2005-06-12 [Rambert]: Thank you for not biting my head off, as I surely would have done in your position. I have a tendency to be overly volatile with people. Do you have annoying siblings, or something? lol you don't let things get to you.

2005-06-12 [Grey Eyes]: I have seven siblings x.x But I'm also really patient...and if I can see a good point in the opposing viewpoints arguement...I'm not prompted to go all evil on them. Besides, calling you a hypocrit doesn't do much for me...because I know for fact I'm a HUGE hypocrit, as is everyone. And I often theororize about the beauty in'm not doing myself any favors. And especially since I'm a part of both the society's mentioned in our brief scuffle...I can't get really into it XD

2005-06-12 [Rambert]: o.o wow. I'd go crazy with that many sibs.... and yes, everyone is hypocritical sometimes. But I'll admit, I tend to say things as a trigger response w/o thinking about it, and later will realize that what I said was hypocrisy bordering on stupidity. I just need to think before opening my mouth :X

2005-06-12 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah...I'm kind of the middle it's even harder. I've got two bratty little sisters who I constantly have to take care of. Two old siblings (one boy one girl) who are perfect in every way, whom I'm always being compared to, two other older siblings (two guys) who are both married to beautiful blondes, and an older adopted sibling who's a screw-up and proud of it x.x It's crazy. Even though I'm not the middle child...I'm considered the middle child by all of them! *dies* No one ever admits it...but we all do dear =3 Sometime I get really into an arguement, and start spewing complete blasphemy and being one big contradiction XD But I never admit it later ^^

2005-06-12 [Rambert]: *pats on head* I admire your courage to live such a life. *shudders* seven siblings.... lol

2005-06-12 [Grey Eyes]: makes alot of people go wide-eyed. Luckily...we do not all live under one roof >D so it's okay *cheesy thumbs-up and a smile*

2005-06-12 [Rambert]: heh heh.

2005-06-14 [AbLam]: I'm back. Man, I thought two siblings was alot.

2005-06-14 [Keii]: Oh look what I found *grins like a kiddie in a candystore* Gothic people 4 sale

2005-06-15 [girl. interrupted.]: Yes, having seven siblings would driving me insane...i only have two, one's a twin, the other's 21.

2005-06-15 [spongemonkey]: XD you both suck!! I only have one! ONE!!! haha!!!! *dances*

2005-06-15 [Grey Eyes]: x.x My family is big.

2005-06-15 [spongemonkey]: haha, three people bitches!! XD I mock the cookie!!!

2005-06-15 [Grey Eyes]: *is mocked* Blasphemy! =O

2005-06-15 [drakkar]: *hands you the holy water* (acid)

2005-06-15 [spongemonkey]: o.o errrrmmm....

2005-06-15 [Grey Eyes]: *drinks* x.x Am I holy now? XD

2005-06-15 [spongemonkey]: not quite, but you are missing part of your digestive track!!

2005-06-15 [Grey Eyes]: =

2005-06-15 [spongemonkey]: o.o *poke poke*

2005-06-15 [Grey Eyes]: yeah...that comment decided to get an abortion =P I was saying: But at least I won't need another knee surgery >D

2005-06-15 [spongemonkey]: always true... unless that pickle has something to say about it!!!!!! *points to pickle*

2005-06-15 [spongemonkey]: hahaha [Psycho PeNuT]<---- cunt can't read -^_^-

2005-06-15 [drakkar]: moo?

2005-06-15 [Lost in Illusions]: weird... girl looks like a man made up in bad drag. and what says she can't read? She was actually one of the more literate morons Ive come across.

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